Wednesday 30 December 2015

Star-Wars Skirmish forward

Just a short game review for this one ...

So after sitting down to play some galactic conquest on the new star-wars battlefront game with my brother i was surprised that the game mode was non existent. The only game modes available were training, vs battle or survival, I was annoyed at first being that i really enjoyed battlefront 2 for its co op galactic conquest fun, screw the other planets I'm here and I'm gonna take over ... now show me to your leader ... and money. But no what was i greeted with? you can fight someone, make sure you collect all the tokens and be the first to reach 100, Ok whatever at least i can pilot an AT-AT i love those things, NOPE no vehicles in battle mode ... that sucks no point swearing it doesn't deserve the effort, they clearly couldn't be arsed so why should i. Well ok maybe co-op will be fun ... and it is i suppose not jaw dropping or ground breaking just ... OK, I bet you are asking yourself, Dan what did you have fun with? honestly, Being Darth Vader on 'Hero' battle but its really one sided, the galactic empire has Darth Vader, Palpatine (Which i will say, running around as the emperor is fucking hilarious, being chased by some aged old skeleton man who fires lightning ... priceless) and Boba fett, i never saw the appeal to this character personally but ok he can fly suppose that's cool. Who does the rebel alliance get? Luke, Han and Leia ... wow, somebody really hated the rebel alliance its like the game was coded and created by the empire itself. On the whole the game is OK not as a good as battlefront 2 though, but i have never been online so maybe its completely different experience but the single player sucks and i love me some single player action, because hey I'm a geek and geeks don't socialize ...

Hey at least the artwork looks like startwars .... and the AT-AT is there, so much promise all online

Score 3/10 it sucks, but i hear online is good

Monday 28 December 2015

The Avengers - Age Of Sass

Theres no point saying spoilers for this one because lets face it you've probably already seen it ...

I really don't like this movie as a whole, i like parts of this movie and that really annoys me, i love reading comics as it stands i have over 80 mainly a marvel fan, if they can't get my favourite villain 'Ultron' right then god help them. Now before everyone asks I'm not a comicphile, being that anything in the comics is gospel and anything that isn't is blasphemy. Avengers assemble is one of my all time favourite movies (Due to a dispute over the rights to the words 'The Avengers' in the UK ours had to be changed to avengers assemble, thanks to some 70's tv show that nobody really cares about, think of a discount James Bond made for tv) so I'm not jumping on the hate wagon for movies made out of comics but man, they f***** up. Ultron ... or Sasstron as i have decided to name him, is just wrong, I'm not hating on the actor he did a pretty good job he just seemed like another Tony stark to me and the design for him seemed off. Whereas the animated series 'Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes' did him so much better, his threat seemed more real in the space of an hour and two episodes, This Ultron had me on the edge of my seat, there he was ready to go Skynet on the earth, had defeated the avengers, Thor was dead ... it was amazing. Then you have this Johnny 5 reject whats his plan? f*** knows he's gonna make loads of copies of himself, raise a half a city then drop it ... woo roll credits.

This artwork ... is really friggun awesome, no matter how much i hate the movie

So whats the story? After the events of the first movie the avengers have established a base in stark tower, or the avenger tower as it is now going by. They go to Sokovia, now to my knowledge i don't recall Sokovia ever being in the comics maybe it is maybe it isn't i don't know, They fight Baron Strucker in his base trying to find Loki's staff from the first avengers movie for Thor ... try saying that quickly. They find away into the base and to be honest its not a bad action scene, shit is blowing up the hulk is hulking (Best character) everything is going fine ... well apart from Hawkeye getting hit and Amadeus Cho who isn't a little kid in this (little changes not a big deal) Using her tissue regrowth machine to heal Hawkeye and set itself up for later because lets face it ... thats what it is, Deus Ex Machina to the rescue. We see the new characters 'Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch' who are NOT mutants, not a big deal really i can live with this change. They go and fight the avengers, Tony stumble across Hydra's plans to use the staff to create robots this is where scarlet witch messes with his head and we see what might happen in a future movie ... at least i hope it did looked awesome all these Chitauri warships the big dragon snake things, which people still to this day believe are 'Fin Fang Foom' an Iron man villain ... idiots. He sees the end times takes the staff then returns to base, exchanges a little chit chat with his god buddy Thor, he allows them to study the staff and stark and bruce realise that the mind gem inside the staff is almost identical to a human mind. They plan to use it in the 'Ultron' Project he had been working on. He and bruce have a bit of a dispute over the matter but ultimately go ahead with the idea and set Jarvis to create an A.I and map it onto their android. After several failed attempts they leave it and go to this party thing for cameos i guess .... not complaining I'm just saying

The other designs look so much better than what we got, it has to be that which annoys me so ...

All the Avengers are there Cap, Iron man, Thor, Stan lee you name it, they are there. This leads to a fairly amusing scene with Thor's hammer (Before anyone asks yes i know the name of the hammer its Mjolnir) they all try lifting it but to no avail. Ultron appears and this is the first time we see him ... which in my opinion is actually pretty close to the comics, now i know i said i wouldn't compare the two medias but this has to be addressed. Ultron in the comics was cold, calculative and fatal if you don't take this guy down thats it, humanity no longer exists (See 'Next Avengers' for that gloriousness) the movie kinda just played him off as just another guy, he makes his way into the internet therefore he's everywhere what do the avengers do ... nothing really. They track him down to Africa trying to steal Vibranium from 'Ulysses Klaw' another well known villain from the comics and THIS is where we see the real Tony Ultron and i just lost interest in him right there they throw banter at one another and then fight, scarlet witch uses her magical magic on the whole team and they are downed, she is shocked by Hawkeye and turns her efforts to hulk, Lets be honest after this confrontation it leads to the best scene in the movie, The Hulkbuster vs Hulk. This fight scene was near enough perfect, thats how i always envisioned the Ultimate hulk (The comic i feel the whole MCU is based from) to be like. After this they become fugitives from ... well the world i guess, they are the avengers people should be kissing their asses. They then have to go into hiding and hawkeye has a idea of where they could hide.

Best scene in the movie, the ultimate bro-fist ...

He takes them to his families house in ... god knows where and says its a good place to lay low. They interact with his family an it suddenly turns into an episode of full house, nah I'm kidding they all deal with it in their own ways, Thor files off to find the doctor guy in the first film to accompany him to the electric pool of norse mythology (Probably has a name, Might as well be called the Pool of future movies) and he sees Ragnarok the death of all the gods .... and vision, Not 'The Vision' that annoys me just Vision, Amadeus cho is mind controlled by Ultron to help create vision using a shit ton of vibranium and that cell regrowth thing that saved Hawkeye ... you get the idea. The avengers hatch a plan to stop him, tony heads towards the nexus of all internets (Maybe its a play on nexus of all realities ... doubtful but hey i remain hopeful) there they have a pretty good action scene against Ultron especially captain america, They manage to steal away the 'cradle' but at a price, black widow is kidnapped .... oh the huge manatee. The twins realising how much of a asshat ultron is decided to join the avengers in stopping his evil meteor plan thing ... again i didn't really like this plot point, the sky net idea would have sufficed. Tony basically has the same dispute with bruce at the start about vision instead of Ultron and the team is split down the middle, clearly foreshadowing future movies cough 'civil war' cough, they have a skirmish Thor turns up gives life to the cradle and vision is born, Now for all its flaws this is one aspect of the movie i believe they got bob on. Ultron isn't Ultron but vision is defiantly vision.

Ugh he looks so cool, them eyes, i noticed them during thor's original scene ...

The climax of the film is a huge battle against Ultron on the floating island of Sokovia, though not terrible its not brilliant either, you have a lot of sass coming from Ultron which again i am not fond of but what the hell, he's gonna die by the end of the movie anyway so might as well endure until the end. They manage to defeat him but at a cost ... quicksilver dies, now i should be upset but I'm not. We barely know this character and he dies its like having a distant aunt who you never meet dying and you sit there thinking, I should be sad ... but I'm not, THATS what it felt like. The one scene i did love is when the helicarrier turns up and so does falcon and war machine this is finally feeling like a universe but then it makes you think, where were the avengers when the mandarin threatened the world, where were they when mystical dark elves destroyed parts of London, F*** IT where were they when shield was taken over by hydra and the world almost died ... surely they are 'Avenger' Level threats. Ugh whatever, Ultron is defeated, Hulk leaves so does Thor and Tony, Is there anyone left i hear you ask? yes the 'New Avengers' which i know most people were annoyed about, i wasn't its a nice new fresh look at the avengers team (Which to me looks more like the West coast avengers but hey) and they all lived happily ever after ... OR DO THEY? Thanos, that purple ribbed chin guy at the end has his infinity gauntlet and mugs for the camera .... the end.

Still love these new avengers, its a good line-up, granted they are buggered with no heavy hitters like Thor or Hulk ...

So was it terrible? not really, Was it better than the first? absolutely not, Did Ultron suck? you bet your sweet ass he did. This adaptation just wasn't for me i wanted Ultron in the first movie, i was amazingly excited for this movie to come out, tony stark made Ultron you say? ok ill bite it makes sense seeing that Hank Pym isn't established in the MCU yet, but i just didn't like it ... and after a few more viewings i probably wont either, Until next time guys an gals ;)

See now if Ultron looked like that i probably wouldn't have complained as much ... Shutting up now

My score for this movie is a 5/10 i love and hate it, f****** ultron ... ruining everything, CURSE YOUUUU

Sunday 27 December 2015

Star The Force Awakens Wars ...

I hate to pull a River Song here but ... Spoilers ...

As soon as that text scroll came on and the words star wars came bursting onto the screen i did get goosebumps I'm not going to lie, Going into this film i thought it wouldn't be as good as the sequels, because we all know how amazing the prequels were ... not,  Then it got me thinking. Why are the sequels better than the prequels and then it hit me, The CGI. Now I'm not one to hate on computer generated graphics most if not all of my favourite films have vast amounts of CGI in but when all you are looking at for a solid 30mins is just the equivalent of a video game intro you tend to loose focus on the story and start to complain about the fakeness of the movie. Anyway much to my dismay the cgi complimented the story in 'The Force Awakens' Abrams's movies tend to do it in a way which utilise the effects and story to in my opinion, take you inside the movie itself. I mean don't get me wrong, he's made some stinkers in his time 'Cloverfield' for one and that dumb shaking of the camera when spaceships are flying, Im looking at you star trek. Not to say i dislike star trek its just over used a bit. Anyway the movie

Love this lil droid, how could you not.

As a continuation to the star wars franchise it did well, though i felt it almost mirrored a new hope to a T, You have the empire or 'The first Order' as they are now called, doesn't have as much of a ring to it as the empire does but i digress. Attacking a person with 'Plans' or in this case a location to someone which then ends up in the hands of a droid and is tasked to find a certain someone to give it to. We also meet a new series villain which in my opinion, ... really needs some changes to i won't go into him at the moment but i will. The new aspects i loved is the rogue storm trooper which we haven't seen before and the fact he is coloured, being that the only coloured person i can remember from the star wars canon was Mace Windu (The ultimate badass) he helps free a 'Han solo' like character to the planets surface. which surprise surprise is a desert planet, what is it with these places anyway? Tatooine now Jakku, maybe its just easier to film in a desert than anywhere else. They are tracked down by the Empire ... sorry first order (I will never get used to that) and have to escape, which to be honest is a really good scene with the new characters Rey an Fin piloting the millennium falcon fighting back enemy tie fighters. They fly through a downed star destroyer and evade explosive fiery death at the hands of the empire ... the first order.

Hey at least there's storm troopers ... i think they are still called that anyway

They are then captured by what seems to be the empire ... if i just call them the empire you won't mind right? good. So they believe they are captured by the enemy when in fact its some classic characters Han and Chewy ... which I'm not gonna lie i did go fan boy on seeing these badasses from the past was awesome, shooting the shit chitting the chat. It was beyond awesomeness, they have a little skirmish with some 'friends' of Han and Chewy and shoot off to speak to a wise woman (Alien but who cares) There we have a recreation of the Mos Eisley bar scene from new hope as well, unfortunately lacking Greedos, we discover that one of the main characters may be a jedi and is ultimately given a lightsaber ... the pinnacle of sword based technology in the year ... thats a point we are never actually told what year this all set, guess we will just have to settle with a long time ago. Anyway we discover that the empire has built a new 'death star' you can call it whatever you want its still a death star to me. but now it can destroy multiple planets at once which is pretty cool. We get a bit more of a look at the new villain 'Kylo Ren' at the time of writing this i don't hate the character but I'm not overly fond of him, he seems to come off as a whinny teenager trying to be Darth Vader with a greasy mullet. i don't know whether to reveal the identity of this villain yet but needless to say i saw it coming.

He looks cool ... with the mask on ... and that badass light sabre

The massive laser battle, Tie fighter vs X Wing battle reveals that a character previously thought dead is alive (Deus Ex machine) but it is also revealed that the female character Rey has been captured by Darth Mullet ... just like a new hope, you see what i mean. Anyway the empire fires its all powerful weapon to kill those rebel scum and they destroy at least 5 planets ... which is pretty impressive. They all hatch a plan to save Leia i mean Rey from the evil clutches of Darth Mullet. They have a pretty good climax where Rey and fin square off against Darth mullet and poe destroys the death star, unfortunately someone dies i won't say who because i don't want to ruin the surprise ... the film then ends on Rey going in search of Luke Skywalker who throughout the movie has gone missing, For the longest time i honestly thought he was Kylo Ren. The movie, though not perfect is still amazingly awesome and made me feel like a little kid again watching the original movies, i will have to stop comparing it to the old movies and take it as it is ... a new star wars movie. I hope you enjoyed this review and i look forward to doing more as 2016 rears its ugly head

See it does say 'Star the force awakens Wars' 

This movie was great regardless of its comparison to New Hope, an easy 8/10 love this movie will gladly watch it again on DVD

Introductions ...

Fair tidings, my name is Dan and for the most part of 2016 i intend to see and review as many movies as i possibly can, while adding some mini reviews on some of my favourite movies of all time. A little bit about me, My favourite movies of all time would have to be 'Back to the future' for its comedy and sci fi elements, 'Avengers Assemble' for its action and abundance of super heroes (No Antman or Wasp but its cool) and 'Star wars Empire strikes back'.

Im just going to review the movies how i would if i was writing for friends, so not to deep of an analysis just to a degree where its relatable. It also depends on a biased opinion being that whether i enjoyed the film or not. its all opinion based and you should be no means take my word for gospel, just a film nut review films and giving an honest opinion on them with that said ...

