Sunday 27 December 2015

Star The Force Awakens Wars ...

I hate to pull a River Song here but ... Spoilers ...

As soon as that text scroll came on and the words star wars came bursting onto the screen i did get goosebumps I'm not going to lie, Going into this film i thought it wouldn't be as good as the sequels, because we all know how amazing the prequels were ... not,  Then it got me thinking. Why are the sequels better than the prequels and then it hit me, The CGI. Now I'm not one to hate on computer generated graphics most if not all of my favourite films have vast amounts of CGI in but when all you are looking at for a solid 30mins is just the equivalent of a video game intro you tend to loose focus on the story and start to complain about the fakeness of the movie. Anyway much to my dismay the cgi complimented the story in 'The Force Awakens' Abrams's movies tend to do it in a way which utilise the effects and story to in my opinion, take you inside the movie itself. I mean don't get me wrong, he's made some stinkers in his time 'Cloverfield' for one and that dumb shaking of the camera when spaceships are flying, Im looking at you star trek. Not to say i dislike star trek its just over used a bit. Anyway the movie

Love this lil droid, how could you not.

As a continuation to the star wars franchise it did well, though i felt it almost mirrored a new hope to a T, You have the empire or 'The first Order' as they are now called, doesn't have as much of a ring to it as the empire does but i digress. Attacking a person with 'Plans' or in this case a location to someone which then ends up in the hands of a droid and is tasked to find a certain someone to give it to. We also meet a new series villain which in my opinion, ... really needs some changes to i won't go into him at the moment but i will. The new aspects i loved is the rogue storm trooper which we haven't seen before and the fact he is coloured, being that the only coloured person i can remember from the star wars canon was Mace Windu (The ultimate badass) he helps free a 'Han solo' like character to the planets surface. which surprise surprise is a desert planet, what is it with these places anyway? Tatooine now Jakku, maybe its just easier to film in a desert than anywhere else. They are tracked down by the Empire ... sorry first order (I will never get used to that) and have to escape, which to be honest is a really good scene with the new characters Rey an Fin piloting the millennium falcon fighting back enemy tie fighters. They fly through a downed star destroyer and evade explosive fiery death at the hands of the empire ... the first order.

Hey at least there's storm troopers ... i think they are still called that anyway

They are then captured by what seems to be the empire ... if i just call them the empire you won't mind right? good. So they believe they are captured by the enemy when in fact its some classic characters Han and Chewy ... which I'm not gonna lie i did go fan boy on seeing these badasses from the past was awesome, shooting the shit chitting the chat. It was beyond awesomeness, they have a little skirmish with some 'friends' of Han and Chewy and shoot off to speak to a wise woman (Alien but who cares) There we have a recreation of the Mos Eisley bar scene from new hope as well, unfortunately lacking Greedos, we discover that one of the main characters may be a jedi and is ultimately given a lightsaber ... the pinnacle of sword based technology in the year ... thats a point we are never actually told what year this all set, guess we will just have to settle with a long time ago. Anyway we discover that the empire has built a new 'death star' you can call it whatever you want its still a death star to me. but now it can destroy multiple planets at once which is pretty cool. We get a bit more of a look at the new villain 'Kylo Ren' at the time of writing this i don't hate the character but I'm not overly fond of him, he seems to come off as a whinny teenager trying to be Darth Vader with a greasy mullet. i don't know whether to reveal the identity of this villain yet but needless to say i saw it coming.

He looks cool ... with the mask on ... and that badass light sabre

The massive laser battle, Tie fighter vs X Wing battle reveals that a character previously thought dead is alive (Deus Ex machine) but it is also revealed that the female character Rey has been captured by Darth Mullet ... just like a new hope, you see what i mean. Anyway the empire fires its all powerful weapon to kill those rebel scum and they destroy at least 5 planets ... which is pretty impressive. They all hatch a plan to save Leia i mean Rey from the evil clutches of Darth Mullet. They have a pretty good climax where Rey and fin square off against Darth mullet and poe destroys the death star, unfortunately someone dies i won't say who because i don't want to ruin the surprise ... the film then ends on Rey going in search of Luke Skywalker who throughout the movie has gone missing, For the longest time i honestly thought he was Kylo Ren. The movie, though not perfect is still amazingly awesome and made me feel like a little kid again watching the original movies, i will have to stop comparing it to the old movies and take it as it is ... a new star wars movie. I hope you enjoyed this review and i look forward to doing more as 2016 rears its ugly head

See it does say 'Star the force awakens Wars' 

This movie was great regardless of its comparison to New Hope, an easy 8/10 love this movie will gladly watch it again on DVD

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