Tuesday 8 March 2016

Pok'emon Red (Virtual Console)

OMG when this was announced last year I almost creamed my pants, I get to play a game I already own ... ON MY 3DS. THEN to top it all off when SUN and MOON come out (Getting SUN coz my brother wants MOON ... ass-hole) I Can transfer my team over to it, F*** KNOWS how they will sort the base stat issue or other GEN 1 stuff like that, S'pose they'll do it how they did on Pokemon Stadium 2 when they just gave Pokemon genders, I named my VENUSAUR BRUTEROOT (Thanks first movie) and when I put it on stadium 2 it was a girl ... quick name change to IVY and we are good as gold. Playing this did make me think though, what of you may ask? well all those fantastic GEN 1 glitches of-course

When I was a kid I always thought the Pokemon you press start on is your starter ... yeah I was dumb

YOU know the ones I'm talking about, Missingno., Catching safari zone Pokemon outside of the safari zone, 99 of the 6th item in your bag, Cloning (Ill advised) and of-course, the one glitch that if I had known how to do when I first had the game, catching MEW holy helix on a stick, this is awesome. Not only can you get the rarest Pokemon in the game because lets face it, unless you lived in Japan you ain't getting this son of a bitch, From what hear as well you get multiple opportunities to catch it as well ... WHY OH WHY, did everyone say it was under the ARCEUS forsaken truck that you couldn't get to anyway unless someone traded you a Pokemon with cut and you saved it till later, why would game-freak do that anyway, I get that his is meant to be rare but under a truck? this gives new meaning to stupid. What I didn't know when I was a kid was the Pokegods, you heard right Pokegods. Now if you remember this good for you, me? I had no f****** clue. I didn't have the internet when I was a kid, heck I didn't get it till I was like 13 or something. Some little kid probably laughing his ass off right now as a grown adult basically crashed the internet, Imagine if you will a time before mega evolution ... scary I know, Now imagine that somehow if you find a mist stone you can evolve your starters into SAPUSAUR, CHARCOLT and my personal favourite RAINER .... that's good naming. Oh and MARILL isn't called MARILL he's called PIKABLU .... that makes sense, they look NOTHING alike besides the jagged tail.

To be honest looking at the original designs for the for-mentioned Pokegods, its seems game-freak were paying some attention because they look kinda the same, Google them I couldn't find any images sorry

So are all these glitches available in the new game? YES THEY ARE, I couldn't be happier. I suppose it would take too long to reprogram the game but man I'm glad they are in it, to me this is GEN 1, Glitching the crap out of your game, I will say this though, do not attempt to clone your Pokemon I suffered for this, guess treading in MR FUJI'S footsteps is ill advised, it will destroy your save file, all my NUZLOCKE Pokemon, gone like a whisper then I started again like a ground-hog day or something. I Suppose its to stop you having a whole team of MEWTWO's but come on, I caught it with an ultra-ball .... I've never done that before on GEN 1, Same with the legendary birds (Though I caught ZAPDOS with master ball because I was still doing the nuzlocke and it was a quick catch) The problems I do have with it is that the original games were SLOOOOOOWWWWWWWW without the bike anyway, I wish they put like a DODRIO tower feature in or something like that. They took the time to edit JYNX's yellow sprite ... yes it is hilarious to look at but aside from that, I still thoroughly enjoy it and would play it again ... like I am now, definitely buying yellow soon

Holy ARCEUS look at that thing, its so bright my eyes are hurting, there is nothing racist about JYNX especially not the original yellow sprite ... To be honest I always thought it was based of the Groke from the Moomins .... 'shudders' still scares me, Google that you have been warned though (Thanks to Serebii.net, go check out that site ... oh hell you probably already have)

I'd say a solid 9/10, some issues need fixing but its still a great game regardless and launched my undying love for the Pokemon franchise, Yes even Black/White 

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