Saturday 20 February 2016

Pokemon - Mixed Messages The Movie

OK before i start i want to state that the THOR review is coming, Marvel month, kinda disappeared and i will be doing a Deadpool review, i kinda don't want to though because to me, it was what I wanted to see, Deadpool being Deadpool. RIGHT POKEMON, SO I'll run this along side marvel reviews .... screw the month thing its not gonna happen XD

The poster, was WAAAAAY too busy

So a lot of you probably don't know, I'm a 90's kid, so all these 'Monster catching animes' came out during 90's and start of the 2000's. what are 'Monster catching animes'? well - Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Rancher, Card Captors, Dinosaur King etc, To be fair only 2 of those I followed religiously ... try and guess them. So as you could imagine when they announced a Pokemon movie, my brain exploded. WOW a Pokemon movie with new Pokemon i cant wait for it, so i got my popcorn and drink and free cards (Oh yes back when they ACTUALLY gave you promo cards at movies) saying that i think we were late to it or something, I missed the reveal of Snubull and Marill, two of my faves, but its cool they said there names enough so I got the jist of it. From what i can remember i enjoyed the movie ... but i was a dumb little kid at the time i would have enjoyed Pokemon if it was mentioned on the weather or some shit. Looking back at it now ... the first movie sucks, its not as god awful as some of the others and believe me some are shite but the first movie was just ... sucky, it was OK its their first one and at least they rectified it for the 2nd and 3rd movies.

Besides Pokemon i have to admit, Digimon is the best, didn't like the others

Anyway, the story, which i think is actually pretty cool is the origin of MEWTWO, from what i hear we got a butchered version from the Japanese version, The west getting a butchered version of an anime? UNHEARD OF. It starts of with scientists apparently working for Team Rocket, basically the terrorists of the Pokemon world .... until Teams Magma/Aqua ... getting ahead of myself here. They discover a  MEW fossil, the rarest and most illusive of all the Pokemon, 151 can learn every god damn move .... and looks like a foetus ... ew, I'm not gonna lie i didn't notice this as a kid (Dumb little 10yr old remember) They ... though its not explained very well attempt to clone mew, and as a result make MEWTWO on feb 6th ... how do i know the exact date? well it was in the game so it has to be true. MEWTWO throws a shit fit, burns the scientists to bite sized chicken nuggets and blows up the island, Giovanni the dick cheese controlling Team Rocket ... doesn't exactly capture it just 'befriends' it, that annoyed me in the show, team rocket always had a plan to catch Pokemon in nets or whatever, granted they were after PIKACHU all the time ... why, ugh whatever. And they never threw a F***** Pokeball at these things, isn't that how it works you want a Pokemon you battle it you catch it. Same with the legendaries, i want it lets use a big net ... WTF.

That armour though, so cool :D

Giovanni uses MEWTWO in his ... ground type ... gym, BUT he wipes the floor with Gary, ha that's funny. MEWTWO a philosophical douche always questions 'WHY AM I HERE, WHAT IS MY PURPOSE' he's a clone, i get it but COME ON, stop hammering it in I get it, move on. He escapes Giovanni and ditches his rad armour, he returns to the island he blew up and vows revenge on humanity, MEWTWO STRIKES BACK. We open on everyones favourite Pokemon master, ASH KETCHUM, he sucks, i wish they went all bad-ass on it and chose red instead of this cum-stain, ugh anyway i have a main gripe with the intro battle, some douchcicle turns up called Raymond, i always called him pirate guy, He has a new pokemon DONPHAN, A ground type, ash, being the idiot that he is never bothers to check his dex ... but that's not the gripe, he uses his PIKACHU on a GOLEM which is immune to electrical attacks ... yet it faints, WTF, how is that even possible, this isn't the Brocks ONIX bullshit where the sprinklers weakened his ONIX no no, this is just pure bullshit ... or if we are being faithful to the material, TAUROS SHIT. Ofc he beats him, he can beat any trainer but as soon as he comes up against the pokemon league he looses ... what. He gets an invitation from an obvious nurse joy in disguise that tells him to come to 'New island' and take part in the ULTIMATE BATTLE OF THE POKEMONS' ... or something along those lines, The DRAGONITE that sent the message takes it back, Team rocket stop him from returning thus making a paradox in the movie .... I'm more concerned how strong fricking Jessie is, she stopped DRAGONITE with a frying pan, this thing can fly at speeds in the mach area of speeds. DAAAAAAAAAAMMMMNN Woman.

Its confirmed that Jessie is a fairy type pokemon, 5 generations early

They arrive at a port of some kind but realise that the ferry that was going to take them to said island is cancelled due to bad weather, thanks MEWTWO, So some trainers decided F*** IT we are using our Pokemon to get there, but one thing bothered me as a kid, a trainer with a FEAROW is seen flying off but never seen again, i like to think he thought 'Screw this, I'm off to catch myself a legendary bird' After a brief and somewhat ... racist? encounter with team rocket the krew, finds themselves at new island, well done guys you all get a gold star. They are instructed to release all there Pokemon to show this new trainer and ... this bugged me too, Ash the main protagonist only sends out his BULBASAUR and SQUIRTLE, When we all know he still has CHARIZARD (Who to be fair, was only a bad-ass because he was a dick) and PIDGEOTTO. The fact that everyone else, lets face it here have much better Pokemon, Corey, the dude with the VENUSAUR may be my fave team every, albeit the 2 needless ground type Pokemon, BUT STILL COOL and His obvious PIDGEOT nicknamed PIDGEOTTO (its the only way i can make sense of that scene) Fergus with his all water type team .... apart from NIDOQUEEN ... maybe it knows surf i dunno and Neesha. who has a pretty cool team too, They all meet MEWTWO for the first time and they are amazed that its a Pokemon and not a trainer.

CLONES ARE BAD ... so is fighting ... apparently 

They all battle MEWTWO's clone Pokemon, VENUSAUR, CHARIZARD, BLASTOISE, and not gonna lie, the coolest Pokemon in the movie, the designs are F****** Amaze. They battle the non clones, and ofcourse they loose, Obviously they have been glitched thanks MISSINGNO. (most famous glitch in history come on guys) Then MEWTWO clones the other Pokemon, disables any special moves and basically just makes them kick the crap out of themselves. MEW the Pokemon from the beginning appears to fight MEWTWO and from there its one crappy pop song and ash dying and then MEWTWO wiping everyone's memory making everything we have just had rammed down our gullets a complete waste of time .... but who cares, this is where my mind lost it as a kid, my dad was asleep and Yeaaaaaaaaaahhh i can see why, its not the strongest because .... nothing happens, MEWTWO Shows up throws a shit-fit then goes, ooh fighting is bad? I'm not gonna make the point because everyone has already but whatever, a series based on fighting little monsters against each other telling us that fighting is wrong ... whut? that makes no sense and still doesn't. UGH thank god for Pokemon 2000 and Pokemon The Movie 3

UGH STILL THE COOLEST POKEMON EVER, screw you god Pokemon I'm sticking with MEWTWO

OMG I Totally forgot about this scene, tbh i just laughed my ass off at how stupid it was

I suppose I should do a quick review on PIKACHU's vacation the short that aired before this movie ... it sucked, Saying that the new additions were cool SNUBBULL and MARILL (Not PIKABLU) are cute as shit and are still my faves to this day, but it suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks, CHARIZARD is a dick, he gets his head stuck they all work together to help him instead of fighting THE END 

The short sucked, the new Pokemon did not, how could you say no to that face :3

So out of 10? 4/10 a solid 4 probably because of the nostalgia but it sucks pure and simple, mixed messages and a dumb story, though MEWTWO is still a bad-ass and them damn Gen 2 Pokemon, Now try and guess the next movie I hate.

At least I found a perfect representation of how watching the movie felt like

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