Saturday 16 January 2016

Gold Titanium Alloy Man and Friend

Another Phase 1 movie, Iron Man 2, Now I know they made some dumb ass choices in this BUT, it did introduce some bad-ass things to the MCU, War machine for one (does tony upgrade his suit and Rhodes at the same time?) the sweet suitcase suit thing and THE BIRD, he wanted it back

Honestly got no comment for this, it is still pretty awesome

So whats the story? Part of me knows whats the point in saying this part, y'all know it anyway. Iron man has gone public, everyone an there mum's knows who he is, but is that a good idea? we see that one fellow, played by Mickey Rourke is not happy with the Starks, His father ... Rourke senior I guess (Anton Vanko I Had to google it, there is a first time for everything), helped him build the arc reactor so long ago and his Son, Ivan mourns him by drinking vodka, Russian standard of-course. Then setting to work creating his own suit the 'Crimson Dynamo' ... or he creates electric bondage attire ... isn't he the crimson dynamo? i couldn't sworn he was ... so why is he? OH WHO CARES, The film makers don't read comics anyway so why bother. Tony is at a governmental meeting where the mean nasty government tries to take Tony's iron man suits away because they are 'Weapons' ... no they aren't weapons, they could be used as weapons but they aren't weapons directly. He decided to reopen then stark expo that his father, Howard did years ago in Captain america ... oh wait, we haven't got to that movie yet. He finds out that the arc reactor, the thing that is keeping him alive is also killing him, OH THE IRONY. He chooses not to tell anymore, yeah i could see why nobody else helping you is a bad idea, of-course i am being incredible sarcastic.

Anyone else find the top pic hilarious?

In an odd turn of events he makes Pepper, everyone's favorite character, the new CEO of Stark enterprises. He also hires his own Scarlet Johansson, to be his new pepper stand in named 'Salt' (You see what i did there) Our other villain for the movie is ... just another guy in a suit, didn't we have one of those before? Actually to be fair I love Justin Hammer, he's just everyone's bitch, He's like 'Hey i have lots of money, but I want even more, because that's the one note i have been given and by thunder i am going to use it' I think he hates Tony stark and to be fair, yeah i can relate he just comes off as an arrogant jerk in this movie ... but then he is Robert Downey Jr I think you'd come to expect that when hiring him to play in your movie. They all take a holiday to Monaco and Stark, being the dick he is, decides that instead of the F1 driver who has been trained to drive his F1 Mobile and has probably been waiting for this for a while seeing that F1 Races don't really happen that much is told to get lost because Tony Stark is driving, YEAH id be a little peeved too. Unfortunately for Tony, The crimson lash is there too (I might actually use that name), waiting to get the killing shot on Tony, To be honest this leads to one of the best scenes in the movie, Tony uses his briefcase that is actually an iron man suit in disguise ... which we never see again ... oh well, to fight this guy, First real fight of the movie. YEAH i like, what else you got? Tony is drunk because he cant cure himself? ... did you just leave the camera rolling, this is just RDJ being RDJ.

The design is cool i guess, but it should have just been Crimson Dynamo, instead of Crimson Lash

Rhodey, being the good friend that he is, steals one of his suits then fights him, another great battle with some sweet remix playing in the background, Rhodey or War Machine as the kids are killing him takes the suit and lets the bad guy, Justin Hammer add weapons to it ... what an idiot, Justin now working with Ivan ... yeah I know, Dick move. He is trying to create some 'Iron Man' suits to show at the Stark expo and he reckons with Ivans help he can. Because yanno working with a psychotic killer Russian isn't gonna get you in trouble in the slightest is it? Iron man doing his best impression of RDJ is confronted by Nick Fury ... again, I think he asked him to join the avengers in the first film maybe i dunno, he helps him with his arc reactor problem. Why doesn't he get it removed? he does in the third film, so why not now? Tony with Nick Furys help finds a new element to replace the palladium racing towards his heart. He creates the new element and names it Starkium ... nah he doesn't, He gets a call from everyone's favorite Russian he pin points him in Miami, Then he sends Black widow and Happy Hogan to investigate. He isn't there, Stark realizes hes at the expo with Justin dick cheese. War machines new suit has been com-premised by mother Russia's favorite son, They have a huge fight scene blow up all the 'Drones' that Ivan also com-premised and it just ends with Iron Man and War Machine fighting the Crimson Lash together, They blow him up (Second villain to be killed by Iron Man at this point, kudos) and we have the final scene with Nickle arse saying that they want Iron Man but not Tony Stark ... well then hire War Machine? True his armor is out of date but he has military background and he has a f*** ton of weapons, Same for Abomination, yeah he might be a huge scary ass monster, but again he is just as strong as the hulk, RETAINS his intellect and above all has military training ... screw the normal avengers these are the 'WARVENGERS', Captain America or Us Agent, War Machine, Thor, Abomination or Red Hulk ... yeah that'll do.

The bird, a main plot point ... look at that smug shit

So was the movie as bad as people say? I don't think so, I mean sure the 1st one is better, the less said about the 3rd one the better ... I really dislike that movie. My score for the movie would be 6/10 a solid above average, again it cements the MCU ... its getting bigger and bigger

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