Sunday 10 January 2016

The Indesputable Chunk

The Second film in the Phase 1 timeline. This is one of my favorite marvel movies by far, not just because its the Hulk, not because it trumps that shitty Ang Lee version ... makes me shudder thinking about it, because its actually cemented in the MCU and its the mother trucking HULK.

Whats the story? Scientist makes experiment using dangerous substance, in this case 'GAMMA' radiation, turns him into a monster, Think of Jekyll and Hyde but in a marvel comic ... oh, wait they did do that already ... hmm. It opens on the Bruce banner, now being played by Ed Norton, the only thing Eric Bana had going for him was the last name closely resembling that of Bruce Banner, But i cant talk about that movie ... for one its not part of phase 1. This movie cleverly glosses over the origin story in the 'Title credits' details everything from his creation to General Ross's hatred towards him. I Feel that the majority of characters were pretty well matched up to their comic counter parts, except for Liv Tyler ... to me she always seem spaced out or high on ... something i dunno just an odd performance, ever since i watched Super with her, Dwight from the office (He probably has an actual name but that's all i know him as) and of-course the legendary villain of every god damn movie ever KEVIN MUDDA F***** BACON. She played a junkie in that, maybe they were set in the same or super is in the MCU who knows, to me they gave the same performance. The film opens up to Bruce living in Brazil trying to cure his 'PROBLEM' with an unknown alias know as Mr.Blue, he exchanges information and tells him what might cure his hulk problem. but alas it doesn't work, if it did we wouldn't have had a movie.

This is raw power, The awesomeness, The Grenliness ... think that a word.

Mr.Blue says he needs more Data from Mr.Green (Yeah i know, great names) Bruce says he cant and leaves it there, the next day at the factory he works at he slips up, cuts himself and some of his blood makes it into a bottle of fruit juice, enter the Stan lee cameo, THAT'S HOW YOU KNOW, its a marvel movie. Ross and shield find out the location of Bruce and send a task-force in to retrieve him, among these is Emil Blonksy a British gent who is the best at what he does ... wolverine? A guy who takes it all a bit to seriously, a real British person then. They chase Bruce banner to his factory and he turns into the hulk, almost killing the task force. Blonksy, not happy with how the whole thing went, questions General Ross about what the film flammeny fart cakes they just went up against. Ross explains what the hulk is and how Blonsky can have a little slice of that if he allows, obviously he agrees and he is injected ... in the spine no less with a super soldier serum ... i don't think its really explained that much. they load him up ready for the next attack on the HULK, Meanwhile on the run Bruce finds himself heading towards his old town where, Betty Ross a past squeeze of Bruce's resides. He meets up with her, but not having a spider-man esque kiss in the rain first. What is it with superheroes kissing in the rain, its not romantic, its wet, cold and annoying. At least in shower its warmer.

Ooh, hes gonna get it, you can tell ... any minute now

They get that all important and Bruce swallows it, He realizes that Ross's men are on to him and send everything in, Tanks, Helicopters you name it, its attacking the Hulk. Blonsky, Drugged up to the eyeballs on SSS. HULK as predicted goes berserk, destroying anything and everything, Blonsky challenges hulk to a duel ... aaaaaaaaaaaaand gets his ass kicked, its the F****** hulk for f**** sake the only ones who can stand up to him are - Red Hulk, Abomination (I know Blonsky is Abomination) A-Bomb, Sentry and probably his son Skaar. All you movie goers probably only know one of these hero/villains are, Don't worry i will enclose pictures below of who everyone is, i forget all you Cinephiles only know the MCU and not the comic-verse like i am well versed in, Blonsky is recovering in General Ross's tender care and he is ready to get back out there to fight HULK, they end up in New York searching for Mr.Blue who turns out to be Samuel Sterns a biologist at a university in New York 'cough' and also The Leader 'cough' actually no, i wont cough at this. They needed to bring him in more instead he is just brushed to one side, when is he coming back? F*** knows we probably aren't getting another solo Hulk movie as much as i wanted Planet Hulk ... it would make so much sense, Civil war is immanent Hulk is too STRONK for the other heroes to fight. He is 'Cured' supposedly by Sterns, captured by Ross then Blonsky decides to get juiced.

Not all the ones i mentioned but Abomination, Ross aka Red Hulk, Red King, Zaxzz and Leader

Mixing Blonskys blood with the hulks is never a good idea, Thus Abomination is born, wrecking havoc across all of New York, Ross wants Bruce to become the jolly green giant and kick Abominations ass, This aspect of the film i love, you've got a government asset out of control then they look all shady like 'Duuuuuuh were sorry, we didn't think he'd go bat shit insane and try kill everyone' yeah, nice going Ross i'm sure shield wont .... heeeeyyyy wait a minute, where is shield during all of this? you are really telling me that Nick fury would take a blind eye to all of this (Pun intended) Whatever, hulk jumps out of a helicopter without a parachute and splats on the floor ...... nah i;m kidding he turns into the hulk and proceeds to F*** some shit up, Easily the best part of the film, the climax. 2 Suped up mega stars ready to kick some ass on the big screen in glorious CGI. The fight goes on for a good 10 or so minutes, hulk makes some metal boxing gloves out of a car (Something you could do in the Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction game) until finally hulk utters his most awesome line 'Hulk SMASH' and almost kills Abomination. Then it hit me, This is the first super villain who wasn't murdered by the hero, Suck on that Iron Man, the so called 'Monster' did not kill his adversary. It ends on the hulk making his escape and Betty wondering where she went wrong ... well dating the huge jolly ... you get the idea.

The concepts for abomination look so bad-ass, Like blockbuster from young justice ...

The one part i enjoyed about this film is the raw power the hulk can put out, if i could have any marvel super hero's power id have Hulks ... just for a day. So how does it hold up? pretty well to be honest, i mean its just an average movie but it was a DAMN site better than the Ang Lee version and we can all be happy about that ... cant we?

I don't even care marvel, just make it happen ... please ... please :'(

Final thoughts on the actor change from Ed Norton to Mark Ruffalo .... you'll just have to wait till Avengers Assemble

My score for this movie, 7/10 same as iron man some issues need addressing

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